Hello guild!
Lately I've been torn between Greatsword/Sword+focus or Hammer/Greatsword
As an avid guardian player, I am always trying to maximize my guardian's potential and I feel that even though focus+sword is a great (if not highest) DPS combination, it is still lackluster
So my recent idea is to run a 10-30-0-30-0 or 10-30-0-5-25 setup with Hammer/Greatsword
I can say the pro's of Sword+focus/greatsword will be
- More blocks
- More consistent dps (lacking burst)
- 8 stacks on Vul (instant)
and the pro's of Hammer/Greatsword
- FARRRR superior burst
- Might+protection stacks (but no or less vuln stacking)
- More control in fights
Keep in mind I always run FULL zerker and Scholar runes for the highest DPS potential, I am also well versed with dodging. I feel like hammer/greatsword is great for teamplay however it will be lackluster in solo play (which really doesnt matter since I suck at solo'ing lupi anyways)
Views and opinions please! help me out