[pK] Pain Killer (Gunnars Hold Server)
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[pK] Pain Killer (Gunnars Hold Server)

pK TS3 adress: PW: Quaggan // GH TS3 Adress: ts3.gunnars-hold.eu PW: wim4de5a
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About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby .NoWay. Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:50 am

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About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby Steven Silverwing Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:56 am

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About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby Titus Aemilianus Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:53 am

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About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby Mizu Tue Mar 17, 2015 10:52 pm

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About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby Steven Silverwing Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:34 am

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About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby Mizu Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:13 am

» About Painkiller (revamp)
About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby Mizu Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:58 pm

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About Painkiller (revamp) Emptyby Paonian Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:02 pm


 About Painkiller (revamp)

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Posts : 92
Join date : 2015-01-03
Age : 34
Location : Germany

About Painkiller (revamp) Empty
PostSubject: About Painkiller (revamp)   About Painkiller (revamp) EmptyFri Mar 13, 2015 1:15 am

Took me a bit but I think I got it nicely refined, let me know about errors in grammar and spelling.
I think I included all the important information we've had so far aswell additional things that, I believe, will help our reputation.
I enjoy the short bullet point type of text but I went with a throughout text form.
This was in mind that we want to attract people who have the commitment to actually read the text and not just serve the lazy guild hoppers :p.  
P.S. I know those text wall's hit hard! I'm still traumathized from steves post this week Very Happy.

I'll be posting an introduction mail template next to send our members when we invite them into the guild, it will include further guidance for them to find easy access into the guild structure aswell as welcoming them as members.

Heres the intro ,screw the forum, messing the complete shape of my text up :L (wrote it in word):


The Guild, our vision, what we seek, what we offer.

Painkiller is based on the Gunnar’s Hold Server [EU]. The Guild was founded for Gw2 in 2013. We offer and seek to maintain a community that is social and helpful towards each other. Some of our founding members are still active today. If you are looking for persistent and friendly members, this may be your place! It is important to us that we have our members active on the forums to ensure the quality of our guild. English is our main Language. We expect our members to partake in our guild missions on Sundays, if they are online. At times we require TeamSpeak to be used. Respect towards each other, regardless of heritage and belief is very important to us. We do not charge guild taxes.

We welcome the input from our members and seek to maintain a community that is open to improvements and new goals. We try to spread responsibility among all those who want to help us with taking care of our guild. We want more rather than less to take part for the guild!
We enjoy tackling challenging content as well as casual with each other.  In the past we have had a strong Spvp drive and even maintained a Tpvp team for some time, some of our pvp involved people are still active but our interest and focus is now towards PvX. Thus, you will also find people who have experience in the PvE and WvW Meta and have crafted Legendary and Ascended Gear.

Our Game type focus can change based on the individual preferences and initiative from our members. It is important to us to get together while playing the game, we want to have both small and big events where we group up with each other.
If you enjoy high level Fractals, Spvp or WvW you are more than welcome to apply!
We welcome veterans as well as newcomers!


Our primetime is set in the evening of GMT 17:-23:00. Members should be active specifically at this time window and beyond. We want our player activity to focus largely in this interval for group content; this helps our guild to feel alive and allows us to do more guild runs rather than pugs.

Currently, our activity ranges from 5-10 people in the primetime; we seek to at least double this number in order to have people who participate in our weekly guild events and to have more people to group up with in the feature. You will find both hardcore- and casual-active members.

We want Painkiller to offer its members the full experience of the game, thus, we ask that our members represent the guild 100% of the time.

In order to maintain our activity, we generally remove members from the guild if they have been logged out for 2 months or longer, this way we ensure we have members that play regularly.
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Posts : 92
Join date : 2015-01-03
Age : 34
Location : Germany

About Painkiller (revamp) Empty
PostSubject: Re: About Painkiller (revamp)   About Painkiller (revamp) EmptyFri Mar 13, 2015 6:58 pm

Here's the letter we can send to players ingame aswelll as on the forums once they have been accepted.

Welcome to Painkiller!

We are happy to accept you into our guild!
Please check the forums and in game guild message regularly for information on upcoming events and news about the guild. If you need help with something, be it guild or game related you can pm our veterans and leaders.
You should get a Level 80 character in order to participate in our guild missions on Sundays; we can help you with this Smile. Just hit level 80, don't know what to do next? Here's a guide to help you gear: https://pain.actieforum.com/t799-new-to-lvl-80-quick-guide

If you want to find a group for regular content (e.g. WvW) you can organize events through the forums.
We also appreciate any help you want to offer in terms of helping us manage the guild, such as, commanding, graphic design, videos, forum moderation, recruiting, event organization or writing guides.

Looking forward to play with you!

-The Leadership of Painkiller (you'r name, optional)
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