Short summary from Officer Guild Meeting, Sun, 2nd. March 2014
Thanks for all the officers that joined for the meeting.
1) Recruiting Process
After we decided on our last guild meeting to have a "free-style" application method for new members to join, we relised that its not working that great, so we decided to recreate a application form to be filled in, but to keep it simple and make some changes to the questions.
Actions: Tripz will redesign a form and we all will talk about it and make changes as needed.
2) Clean-Up of Inactive Members
As aggreed on with last meeting we had, we said that we will clean up inactive members from start of March.Members with check ranks was removed from Guild.
Actions: Soon we will do this again, but our goal is to avoid members that only log in once a month or less, but to keep only members that logs on atleast once or twice a week.This way we will have more ppl online more regulary.
3) Focus on PvP & WvW
For the month of March we will work on recruiting more expierenced WvW and PvP members.By doing this we want to start a few small active groups to do more wvw&pvp more regulary. Then later make big events if it goes well
Actions: Raven and Mr T is working on a recruiting advert we can post on GunnarHold forum, aswell as the Guildwars forums