This is based on my opinion and experience from the guilds and games I have played over 8 years, as well as psychological facts.
I hope to provide you with ideas on how improve our Game experience through our community.
It also reflects my personal ambitions on where to head as a Guild.
To discuss the direction in which we want to head in the months to come…
I’m willing to take care of some of the tasks, but I need to know your opinions.
My impressions so far:
• stable guild with long history
• small but stable core
• currently facing a down period
(Pointed out in an older thread in the Guild Info Section months ago)
One strong point is the already existing structure that is already in place. Guild rules, application system, event planner, openness to democracy and opinions, flexible leadership. All these help to create and maintain a stable foundation so the guild will continuously feel "alive".
I think overhauls on some of current systems are necessary and will greatly benefit us.
Ensuring Forum and Member activityCurrently, the guild is lacking in its ability to maintain a player base that checks the forums regularly, and participates in Events. The Forum, which is one of the first impressions to people who apply to the guild, seems to have lots of topics but only few actually check the forums and are registered.
There are several ways to improve this; I'll go into detailed reasoning for each:
Application process Having an application system is already a good decision, it makes people register on the forum and attracts individuals who show a degree of commitment, and some willingness to put in effort. I believe the app-form simply needs some more detail and we should increase the requirements for future applicants. Whether we want to continue in recruiting people without applications is up to debate, I believe this restriction could lead to a more stable player base, rather than constantly being on the look for new members. Also recruitment could build towards directing people to the forums without inviting them straight away.
Keep in mind; I am unaware of how you select people for recruitment.
Suggestions for application criteria:
• Achievement points
• Character levels(these 2 questions give us small insight on their experience with gw2)
• Experience in MMOs (perhaps experience other gw2 guilds, Raid leading, E-sports etc.)
• Experience in Guilds (perhaps experience in Leadership, web or graphic design, hosting etc.)
• What u expect from PK (perhaps his expectations are too high/low for pk)
• What can you offer us? (Is this person someone you'd like to play with?)
• Playtimes (very active members are always nice to have)
• Possible other questions
I believe this discussion deserves an extra topic, which we already have, to make a decision.
RecruitmentOnce the application process and our guild guideline/rules are updated we can think on ways to attract players to our forums.
Updating the recruitment posts on the websites we have used so far and posting one on the official gw2 forums, as well as keeping them “bumped” will spread the message of PK and ensure us an applicant flow (hopefully
I found this after I wrote this: the responses aren’t overwhelming but making a recruit post on our website which we can copy to various websites isn’t gonna hurt us, it’s up to whom wants to take on this task, if anyone…
Guild Rules(copied from the forum with personal input from me)
•We wanna keep Painkiller a medium sized guild, not too small or too big. We don't recruit in global, but we always have room for nice people we meet on our way.
What exactly is medium size? The guild feels a bit to small to me right now, I would like to have around 15-20 members online in the evening times (17:00~-22:00~) which is our peak of activity. This would help with our Events being filled more often and we could sometimes have 2 groups for fractals, for both low and high level players.
•We wanna focus the personal relations and to have fun.
•We respect each other, nomatter where people come from or what they believe in.
•We use English as communication.
•18+ age to join pK. However we have exceptions.
•Our guild-structure is flat. We don't want a few on top, but we want many to take part and responsibility in the guild.
•Important we get all to log on teamspeak and forum every day.
•People only represent our guild. If active in other guilds we can't have them.
•We don't have any guildtaxes.
•Sunday is the most important guildmission day, we expect people to join here if they are online.
•All should get one lvl. 80 character with all WayPoints unlocked, so they easier can join guildmissions. We all help each other with this.
•Important we do things together, arrange all kind of small or big events for the social part.
•No use of exploits
•After 2 Months of not logging in the game, we will mail you a message ingame,and remove you from the guild, this way we make sure we have members online that play regulary
The rules about TeamSpeak/forum, guild representation and log in activity
Do not seem to be taken care of. I believe what we state in our rules should hold some meaning, if we don’t wanna bother with keeping those rules in place then we may as well not have them. Otherwise it gives applicants a false impression.
•TeamSpeak should be required for some runs, we can specifically ask for this individually.
•Forum activity is a good rule, but weekly would suffice, application system will definitely help with this. But what if people don’t hold to it, kicking them will probably not be a good idea for our activity…By having the members require to sign up for events it gives them a purpose to check regularly in their own interest.
•Representation has the same problem you have with enforcing forum activity.
I would keep it as a should rather than a must. Members will represent if we can offer them what they want, we can try to keep our event content spread across all 3 game types.
•Log in activity would need to be taken better care of, not that it hurts to have a few inactive players in the roster.
Event plannerOffering our members a couple of events every week will increase the quality of the guild and make it more attractive for players. It also provides them with activities which give them a reason to play. I find that doing things together with the guild can be a lot of fun, whereas otherwise it would just be boring and I would not want to do it.
The event planner which you seem to have maintained for some time provided stability but it seems that it lacked individual contribution, causing it to fall apart over time.
It was built on members adapting towards the event planner, which I believe is a problem.
If events are organized by members who are free to decide the times and events on a weekly basis it will not feel as much of a chore to log in for every week. Members decide every week, what they do or do not want to do.
We all have things outside the game that we need to take care of, and this way you don’t have to keep canceling a run, which disappoints those who want to take part in it. If you know you have the time window available and you have the desire the group up for the coming week, then you can host an event. Having people sign up for the event is optional, but it also makes it that much more reliable on whom participates in the run, because it requires the participants to make a commitment. You can always ask in guild chat if someone wants to join when you form the party in game if it lacks participants in the end. This removes the problem of organizing an event and realizing no one wants to participate in game when it is about to start.
I have already started on working towards this, I want to do this more regularly than it has been so far. It was due to some distress in my life and I hope to keep it up.
Providing basic guidesIf we have an interest in recruiting new players this makes some sense, but I think it has much less weight than the other points I talked about before, just a suggestion if someone feels up to it.
These can easily be copied from the web, no need to make unnecessary effort here.
This helps people that join pre max level to find what they need to participate in the content without us needing to constantly take care of them individually. The game is vast and there is lots to learn, even for veterans, these are just meant to give them the fastest access to participate in Events with the others.
For Spvp this could be more interesting, if we want to really discuss our effectiveness in weekly team play.
sPvP I would love to see us have a team that plays every week and improves our guilds power in structured team fights over time, with long term players.
I’m up for it and I’ll be working towards it, everyone who wants to join in is welcome!
To do• Sharpening the Guideline/rules
• Overhauling the Application Form
• Posting/Updating recruitment topics
Let me know what you think about my ideas and what you want to have implemented.
Thanks for reading!
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