Yes, I forgot to write that down:
Save yourselves draws the condi's from your allies to yourself. With the traits, using a shout heals 2 conditions. Now I don't know in what order this applies, do you first pull condition and then remove two, or the other way around.
Also, with this current meta, you'd be overwhelmed by condi's, so you'd have to use save yourselves first, then your other 2 shouts and maybe even your virtue of resolve in order to keep yourself alive with all those condi's coming to you.
So personally I'd change it to something else too.
My personal test would also be sanctuary. Why?
Easy, sanctuary gives me a 6 seconds safetyzone, 6 seconds may seem short for a 120 seconds cd (unspecced!). But I would change my elite skill to tome of courage. Getting the book up is 1 second, using the 'light of deliverance' (heal all teammates to full hp) takes 4,25 seconds. If you got good timing you can heal up your entire party without a problem.
I would suggest though, since you only have 0,75 seconds to hit your '5' key, to switch to mace before doing this combo and giving yourself some addition blocks. You might wanna use virtue of courage to get an additional aegis too.
After you healed up your party, you can pacify your foes and use the 'protective spirit' (3) to buff up your teammates. Just drop the book afterwards, cause the autoskill isn't worth it imo in pvp.
So just go back to tanking with a full hp party while your opponents are dazed for 3 seconds, are at low hp and are taking a shit-ton of damage because you talked on TS and informed your teammates about your plan to use the tome. They can protect you, and safe up their burst for those 3 seconds of dazed opponents and finish the fight for middle in no-time.
Though, if you kill them all at once, they'll also come back all at once, and your tome has a big cd. So don't stomp them all! Stomp 2 and control the other 2, once the first 2 stomped dissappear, you can start stomping the other 2 too. Just make sure you stomped everybody by the time they re-appear at your point.
Just my idea of playing this bunker build in a 'control for mid'-fight.